This updated course teaches experienced Linux users how to install and maintain Linux servers in a modern operational environment. It learns the techniques and methods to maintain and troubleshoot Linux servers. Ideal for people who take on the role of Linux System Administrator or a DevOps role. Talking about best practices, monitoring and security considerations with a focus on automation.
Prerequisites Experience with a Linux system as a user, for example after following the Linux Power User course.
- Advanced Linux installation; automated and network installations
- Manage system startup and shutdown with systemd
- System Administration Tools and Manage printers
- Packag management, Repositories and the building of packages
- Containers
- Filesystems internals including ext4, xfs and other filesystems
- Management of Hard drives, partitions, LVM and RAID
- Scheduling tools and local and network backup software
- Kernel compilation and packaging and device drivers
- Git for sysadmins
- User Administration and advanced permissions
- Memory Management and managing logfiles
- Ansible basics
- Troubleshooting
- Managing Linux Security and Tools
Course Materials
Provided courseware
This course prepares for LPI Certification Level 1 - Exam 102
Administrative Information
Course dates:
6 Feb - 10 Feb 2023
4 Dec - 8 Dec 2023
Price 3.150- € + VAT
More information
Phone: +32 (0)2 747 47 01
You can find the Full Calendar here.