After this 3 day course you will be able to develop Android apps, to publish applications on the Google Play Store or on your custom Android Embedded board. In a 70 to 80% lab-time approach, you will get direct hands-on experience, how to avoid pitfalls and get up and running quickly. We look at the Android Architecture. Through theory and exercises we cover all major parts of the API and run applications with interface and in background.
In an interactive manner, you will be able to get direct feedback. At the end of this course, you will be ready to work on Android projects.
For this course, all participants will receive an Android based device so they can continue their projects after the course.
Prerequisites Programming experience in Java.
Computer experience with Windows and/or LINUX system.
- Android Overview
- Installing Android SDK and Hello Android
- Android Application Model
- Bigger Helloworld Application
- Android Interface Library, Views, Widgets, relationship, dynamic layouts, events and event listeners
- Static XML layouts, custom Views, Options and Context Menu's, Adapters, Http, Dialogs and notifications
- Application Data, SQLite Database, manage db connections, Cursors and CursorAdapters
- GPS recording, Google Maps Overlays, Camera and SD Card access, Activities
- ContentProviders, Services and Intents, Notification Bar
- BroadcastReceivers, Background thread
- SMS, register sensors, motion detection
- Q&A
Course Materials
Provided courseware, complemented with an Android based device. Currently all students receive an Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 Phone, but this might change in the future to a similar Android-based smartphone.
Price 1.699,- € + VAT
Course dates
Upon demand
More information
Phone: +32 (0)2 747 47 01
You can find the Full Calendar here.